“We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy”-Albus Dumbledore

This is a quote from Albus Dumbledore that I really like. What this quote means to me is that sometimes you will be faced with difficult choices. It will be hard to make the right choice over the easy choice sometimes. This related to me a couple weeks ago when I was doing my math homework. I could have taken the easy way out and done half of the problems and get a bad score, or I could do the work and get a good score. I am glad I choose the right answer.

Master Moffat

My hero is Miss Moffat. Miss Moffat is my hero because she is an awesome teacher. She is really good at teaching us, and she does an amazing job at it. She is also super nice but she can be strict so we don’t get out of order. My second reason Miss Moffat is my hero is because she is fun and funny. She is a fun teacher to be around, her teaching is fun, well, and in an organized fashion which is really good. She is also funny when she cracks jokes in the middle of class. My third reason she is my hero, is because she is really good at basketball. I really like basketball. I play it and am trying to get better, so it is really cool that she is good. Overall Miss Moffat is really awesome and I look up to her. Also, she’s Batman.

The Wonderful Word

This year I am going to focus on the word kindness. I am going to ficus on the word kindness because it is so good to be kind to people. You will be liked by more people, you will make more friends, and you will make other people feel good about themselves. There is zero down sides to being kind to everyone and so many perks. I know this will work because I really focused on it for a good amount of 2023, and I got way more friends, and got more people to like me. I don’t know why more people don’t do this. I am hoping if I focus on kindness this year it will be a great year. One last reason I am going to focus on the word kindness is because hopefully it will come back to me and be transferred on to other people. Kindness is a great thing and hopefully a lot of people do that this year.

Rad Reading – December

In December I read the book, Allies by Alan Gratz. Allies is a historical fiction book about a sixteen-year-old German soldier who is being drafted into World War II aside his Jewish friend named Sid who doesn’t know he’s German. will he survive in the war? Will his friend find out he’s German?

I did like the book I read, but it did get a bit boring in the middle. Overall it wasn’t bad. It was very realistic which most of Alan Gratz’s are, but this one really had me visualizing the whole book. One thing I feel wasn’t as good as the others, are his lack of describing the characters. I feel like I just pictured a basic sixteen-year-old German soldier.

My favorite character was for sure Dee. I say this because he was brave. One quote on page 14 supports this when the text states, “‘No, sir. I’d like to go back to Germany, sir. I want to beat Hitler.’” This shows he is brave because he is risking his life going back to Germany to defeat Hitler when there is a high chance he will lose his life. He also didn’t think twice about showing how passionate he is about saving his country.

My favorite quote from the book was on page 6 where the author says, “Germany’s big red blob was just going to grow and grow until it covered the whole world. Unless Dee could put a stop to this.” I really like this quote for multiple reasons. First, it really just described the problem extremely clearly and I like that. Another reason I chose this quote is because it foreshadows what is going to happen later in the story. The last reason I chose this quote is because it really stuck out to me. I don’t know how to really explain it but I really like how much it stuck out. As soon as I read it I knew that it was foreshadowing what was going to happen and it really just stuck out to me.