The Perfect Memories

I have three memories from 7th grade that I will never forget. First this memory was one of the best things we ever did in core. That was the 20% project. One thing I LOVED about the 20% project is how much freedom we had and how we could choose anything to do our project on. It was a really fun and interesting experience for me. My second memory was playing basketball at lunch. I really love basketball as it is my favorite sport, playing it at lunch made 7th grade much more fun. My last memory was playing football at lunch. This was probably the most iconic memory from 7th grade among me and my friends. One of the reasons it was so fun is because how competitive it was. We did this everyday for a couple weeks until it shut down. It was so incredibly exciting that’s what I would look forward to everyday. It will be a little sad leaving 7th grade considering all of the memories I made but it will also be very fun to go into summer.

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