
One day I woke up and I was stranded on an island. The first thing I did was panic and check my surroundings. I noticed I was on what was like a tiny desert with some trees and bushes. In total the island was probably the size of a big house. I then used my survival techniques that I know to right SOS on the sand and gather some food and water. After hours of gathering resources including sticks and rocks for a fire, and leaves for shelter I heard a helicopter in the distance. I knew if I wanted to survive this, I needed to act fast! I gathered a perfect stick to make a torch and started grinding sticks together to start a fire. After what felt like years, I finally got a flame. Once the helicopter got close there was enough smoke in the air for the helicopter to see me. The helicopter finally landed on the island and picked me up while we were flying back to my house I woke up. It was all a dream.

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