The Perfect Memories

I have three memories from 7th grade that I will never forget. First this memory was one of the best things we ever did in core. That was the 20% project. One thing I LOVED about the 20% project is how much freedom we had and how we could choose anything to do our project on. It was a really fun and interesting experience for me. My second memory was playing basketball at lunch. I really love basketball as it is my favorite sport, playing it at lunch made 7th grade much more fun. My last memory was playing football at lunch. This was probably the most iconic memory from 7th grade among me and my friends. One of the reasons it was so fun is because how competitive it was. We did this everyday for a couple weeks until it shut down. It was so incredibly exciting that’s what I would look forward to everyday. It will be a little sad leaving 7th grade considering all of the memories I made but it will also be very fun to go into summer.

20% Project – Week 6

This was the final week of the 20% project and I finished what I needed to. The things I accomplished was glueing up my reviews, pictures, drawing my letters, and writing my reviews. I didn’t have any struggles considering I only had a little bit to work on since I did a LOT last week. One more thing I need to do is just think about what I am going to say at the event and maybe write a script in class. I am hoping my project brings attention at the event but I think it will because it is so colorful. In conclusion I have decided McDonalds was my favorite out of In-N-Out, Chick-fil-A, McDonalds. My goal was to figure out which one was my favorite and I achieved that goal perfectly. The worst one was Chick-fil-A in my opinion. The reason for that was because I feel like the food just doesn’t taste as good as it used to. Chick-fil-A used to be my favorite but now I feel like it got significantly worse. I didn’t adjust to anything because I didn’t really need to as I said everything went super smoothly. I won’t have anywhere to leave of to for next time beside prepare for the event and the in-class presentation.

My Amazing Mom

My mom is the best mother in the world. My mom is the best for many different reasons. The first reason my mom is the best is because she tries her hardest to make us happy. She takes care of us as best she can and I am so grateful for her. She is also so kind to everyone and a really great role model for me and my brother. Another reason she is great is because whenever we do something fun she makes it special. She always finds a way to make us happy and do something fun. I am not sure what I’m going to do for her for Mother’s Day yet, but I need to think of something soon. I will probably go get food with her, buy, or make her a present and make her a card.

20% Project-Week 5

For week five of my 20% project I made a lot of progress in a little time. First off, yesterday I bought McDonalds for my last fast food place I need to review. During class today I finished decorating my trifold, and glued on pictures for Chick-fil-A, McDonalds, and In-N-Out. I also finished writing my review for In-N-Out and drawing up my stars for the review. This week was a smooth week for the most part the only struggle I had was not being able to start my McDonalds review paragraph because I didn’t go inside of the restaurant. My adjustment I had was starting my blog early because I finished everything I needed to early. Next week I will start and hopefully finish my review for McDonalds and then I will be ready to present. Another thing I need to do is sign up for a day to present.

20% Project-Week 4

For week 4 of my 20% project I did a decent amount. During the week in between the Friday we worked on it I got my pictures printed out in color from the post office. During the time of the 20% project I got an okay amount of work done. I cut out the pictures so that they would fit on my tri-fold and next week I can glue them up. I also got some of my review done but I still need a little bit more time because we had a short period. The last thing I did was get In-N-Out again so that I could review the shake. My one struggle was time, I didn’t have enough time to finish writing my review or glue up a couple of my pictures. An adjustment I need to make is work on more of this at home. Next time I need to be really focused on finishing my In-N-Out review and get my pictures put up. I also need to buy McDonalds over the week.

Rad-Reading April

In April I read the book Diary of a Wimpy Kid Meltdown, by Jeff Kinney. Meltdown is a realistic fiction book about a boy named Greg who is struggling through the cold of winter. Some days when it snows a lot they get a snow day and Greg is forced to play outside by his mom because she wants him to play outside and socialize. This is an issue for Greg because he doesn’t like going outside or playing with other kids that much. His neighborhood also gets in a big fight, the upper Surey street kids, and the lower Surey street kids. Will Greg survive and win the fight?

I really liked this book as it felt like I was in the moment and I was Greg. I really enjoyed the books as a whole and just really like the series in general. I would recommend this book to really anyone unless they like longer books to read. The books feel very real and are funny and enjoyable.

My favorite character was Greg by far because his is funny, relatable and has a good sense of humor. He also is a victim of circumstance a lot considering all of the problems he runs into. Another one of my favorite traits about Greg is that he is relatable. One quote when Greg is relatable is on page 143, “We pretended the floor was LAVA…” “Me and Rodrick used to play that game for HOURS.” Those are to quotes that are relatable to me as I used to do the same.

My favorite quote from the book was on page 185 when the text says, “And when the Lower Surrey Street kids came BACK, we were READY for them.” The reason this quote is my favorite is because it is right before the best part of the book when the Lower Surrey Street come back and fight with the Upper Surrey Streets kids. It was a really exciting part of the book and that is when it started.

20% Project, Week 3

For week two of the 20% project I accomplished pretty much everything I needed to. First, I added and colored all of the titles on my trifold, then I glued on my review of Chick-fil-A and started writing my review for In-N-Out. Yesterday I also ate In-N-Out which contributed to what I have accomplished. Something I do need to do next time is go with my mom to a store to get all of my pictures printed out in the right size, so in class I can continue my review and glue on the photos. I also have to go back to In-N-Out because if I get everything I need to review at once I won’t eat it all and therefore it is better to go twice which is what I’m going to do. I didn’t really need to make any major adjustments maybe a couple really small ones based on time wise but other than that I didn’t really make any adjustments. Overall, this was a smooth week, and I didn’t have any struggles besides not having my pictures. Next time I will probably pick up writing my review and glueing my pictures on.

20% Project, Week 2

For week two of the 20% project I accomplished a good amount. First I finished rating Chick-fil-A, then I wrote some of my things on my tri-fold. I also got all of my pictures I am going to put on my tri-fold (not printed yet). Some of my struggles included time, and not having my pictures printed to glue up. My adjustments for next week will be to try and work more efficiently and effectively and having my pictures. What I am going to do next week is a few things, first, I am going to fully finish my Chick-fil-A section and start my McDonalds section. Another thing I am going to do is get most of my pictures printed out in color and in the right size. I am not really sure how I’m going print them all out in the right size so all of them fit but I will figure it out. I am probably going to have to measure at least a little bit.

My Favorite Place

My favorite room in my home is my bedroom. The reason I like my room is for a few reasons. First, it is probably where I spend most of my time. I do my homework, I watch YouTube, I play video games, and it’s where I sleep. Second, it has my mini basketball hoop in it and I love that. I use it every day whether it be dunking or shooting. The third reason is it has a big closet. There are many good aspects to having a big closet. First, you can store way more than clothes in there. You can store almost anything. Another reason is that it is just fun to walk in. It is a nice feeling to have a walk-in closet. But even though it isn’t one of those crazy big walk-in closets you would see in a mansion, it is still pretty cool. My room is fairly simple. First, it is all wood floor with a rug at the foot of the bed. My bed is a queen size bed and the reason for that is that it used to be my grandma’s bed but because now she doesn’t stay with us it was giving to me. It also has a desk with a gaming setup and a window. Overall it is a pretty nice room, at least in my opinion.

The Three Best Meals

I am going to go over my three dream meals for one day. First starting off with breakfast I would go to McDonald’s. What I would get is a McGriddle, and two Egg McMuffins. The reason I would get these things is because I love the taste, even just thinking about it makes my mouth water. The Egg McMuffins will be a nice cheesy delight while the McGriddle would be a sweet sensation. Moving on to lunch I’m not really sure off the top of my head what I would get, but what I can think of is some good old pizza. The things I would get on the pizza would be plain cheese pizza because well, in my opinion it’s the best. You get a good mixture of everything and don’t really have to worry about them messing up any toppings. Finally, for dinner I would pick a place I have been CRAVING recently. PANDA EXPRESS! I love Panda Express so much. I either get a bowl with orange chicken and chow mein, or I would get a plate with chow mein and DOUBLE orange chicken. I really like orange chicken. Those are my foods I would choose for each meal of the day.